Sunday, July 11, 2010


Today is a special day.
Not just because of the fact it's Spain vs. HOLLAND in the Worldchampionshipssoccer-final tonight..

No.. there's something else really special to me and Roos..

It is Anne's birthday.

Anne is Roos' aunt where we stayed over during our past holiday in London. That woman is.. AMAZING!
During our holiday Roos and I couldn't stop discovering how kind she is; in the beginning we didn't know the neabourhood well yet and we (Roos'father, brother, nephew, uncle, Anne, Roos herself and I) split up in two groups so we could discover everything; the boys vs. the girls.
Anne just pointed out where we could find what and then left us alone so 'we could be on our own and discover it on our own way'. Ok. Normally we LOVE IT if adults leave us alone. But with her it was different. As soon as Roos and I were alone and started talking we couldn't resist not saying to eachother it was different with her; we actually WOULD like if she did stay!
Even the day Anne, Roos and I went to Camdentown and Anne left us (after showing us a little bit how everything worked and having a drink) we felt sorry she had to leave and wouldn't mind AT ALL if she had stayed the whole day with us...

So that was nr.1 I felt a special thing towards Anne. Even though I didn't know her well, it just felt like this..

Anne also told us the solid, exceptional relationship Roos and I had (and still have!) reminded her of herself with an old friend.
WHAT AN HONOUR. And WOW. She didn't know us that good as well but by the way she talked about it.. It really seemed she understand the way, how solid Roos and I connect; Something that not a lot of people are able to.. but I think she did and that's amazing!

So. Everything with Anne just felt very comfortable and understanding eventhough I didn't know her very well.

..And then.

Back in Holland we recieved a message.. Anne had cancer.
I really didn't know how to handle it. All I knew was It hit me and I really prayed for her everything will turn out right in the end...
I also made up a plan with Roos to write a song for her..
I already started (one about cancer) but I didn't have (still not have I guess) the courage to finish it. It's such a fragile subject and I really didn't know if it will fall right. Roos told me she likes it. But I'm just too shy in this position..
Going to work on that! 'Cause Anne really is worth a song.. So maybe I just need to change the subject so it's less heavy!?
Certainly because; SHE FOUGHT HERSELF THROUGH IT... deeply, inner respect for that; her!


This woman is just WONDERFULL. And Roos and I really wish her the best of luck in the future and a very very nice;

X Tisha

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